Feedback aus Rumänien

  • Bobi Tantava, Rumänien

Das riesige Helficus Paket ist in Rumänien angekommen und wir haben einen wunderbaren Dank von Carmen Dodi erhalten:


"Dear Claudia and Volker,

thank you again for your wonderful surprise ! i finally got the parcel via the local posteoffice. a little note was slipped into my letter box, 3-4 neighbors were very keen toinform me thast the postman told them to tell me that a big prcel is waiting for me inthe next village where the poste ofice is.
so i talked with a friendly neighbor who was kind and promised to help me. the villagewhere the poste office is is a bit far to go by bycicle and the note said the parcel is 34kilos. i weigh 40 so it was not an equal match !!!!! Just kidding !
because i had 4 dogs scheduled to be neutered i could not go with my neighbor but hewas kind enough and got the parcel for me. and it was a BIIIIIg surprise ! that was abig parcel !!!!
and full of goodies too !!!
thank you for everything but mostly for the cat milk !!! i was desperate because i haverescued 5 kittens which i was forced to keep locked in a cage because too many dogsin the yard, in the house, in the garrage, in the storage room !!! and i was out of catfood too since i already have 6 of my own, 4 locked in the house and 2 exiled in thechicken yard out of the reach of dogs !
thank you for the disinfectant, it was so much needed, i sometimes wear cloves but notall the time and i get a lot of scratches on my hands !
the sweets are very much appreciated but unfortunately for me i could not taste anybecause i got food poisoning and was sick since thursday but they are on top of my list!
the jackets are perfect fit and very, very nice as well as practical. i get dirty very muchand i change clothes every single day so the washing detergent was welcome ! myclotheline is always full and with laundry so you can imagine that i go through a lot ofdetergent usually and now with the cold weather i have more laundry than during thesummer when it was a pair of shorts and a t-shirt !
thank you so much for your thoughfulness and your carying, it was a nice surprise forme and the kittens !
i am deeply moved by you and can not tell you how much it means for me living in thisvillage where everybody hates me for taking care of dogs or cats, rescuing them andgiving them the chance to live !
i am always overwhelmed when people i never met think of me and my dogs and help!
i had a hard time lately with a lot of sick puppies and 2 adults that had surgery andneed extra care, a lot of abandoned puppies with mothers too so i was not very activeon Facebook or send mails to Andrea. but i will make up and keep you posted with thelatest rescues missions all succesful ! i am also trying to neuter as many dogs as ican even with all the difficulties involved : finding the dogs and finding transport forthem. it takes time and a lot of work but it must be done. this is the only way to keepdown the num,ber of abandoned dogs and cats.  
iam attaching some photos including the feeding of the kittens. the kittens were takenby a friend of a friend who will take care of them. my yard unfortunately is not a safeplace for kittens and in the house i have 5 dogs already plus the older cats who are notvery friendly towards newcomers.
thank you again, your gift helped me to get over a rough time and got me hope thateven far away i still have friends people with big hearts who understand what i amdoing !


Diese Zeilen  bauchen wohl keine weitere Erläuterung, wie sehr sich Carmen über die Sachspenden, die wir ihr dank vieler Unterstützung von verschiedenen Spendern schicken konnten, gefreut hat. Helficus bedankt sich bei all diesen großherzigen Menschen, daß sie das Paket ermöglicht haben!


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